Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Meet the team... Hannah

Hidey ho, Hannah here, time to properly introduce myself.

What can I say about myself that would be worth reading? Not a whole lot but here are the basics.

(Two very excited new englanders as you can see)

I'm a mid Twenties chick living in the MA-RI-CT Tri-state chunk of New England currently residing in the town with the longest named lake in the world. I have a wonderful husband of 4 years and two fluff ball kitties and some of the bestest friends in the whole wide world.

(Aforementioned fluffies The Chin and Phillip J Fry just known as Fry. They love each other I swear)

I would say thanks to my late grandmother, I developed a very eclectic taste. Growing up going to every yard sale, flea market, and yes even the dump, finding all kinds of things to bring home, redo and make pretty for our own use. This carried into my adult life very easily, I'm always looking at things thinking how I can make them better, spruce them up, bring new life to something once thought dead.

My gram also baked with me almost every day. There is nothing I love more than baking something delicious and watching others enjoy it. There is something about it even sweeter than the treat itself.

My father is able to build, fix, refinish anything, and thanks to him I've picked up a little of that on the way. Where I am lacking he picks up the slack and helps turn my dreams into reality.

Not to be forgotten is my wonderful loving supportive husband. It's true when they say girls marry men like their fathers, because that's 100% what I did. I can't begin to tell you how many times he's come home to some project of mine and he jumps right in to perfect it.

So call me a Jill of all trades if you will, bake, refinish furniture, craft, build whatever my little heart desires (always with a little help from my hubs), have a unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who, read way to many books, and what better way to support all of these habits than to share them with the world!

Recently I was asked, "if money wasn't an issue what would you want to do for work?" My first answer of course was to not work and be surrounded by kittens all day, but my second real answer was to be able to own a shop where I could bake and sell consignment and any and all manner of trinkets and whatnot that struck my fancy. Well that my friends is what we are hoping to accomplish with Sew Sweet.

I have faith in these very smart ladies I surround myself with and myself that if we can dream it we can do it!

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