Monday, February 16, 2015

Meet the Team...Kate!

Well, I figured it was about time I formally introduced myself. As I mentioned in my Muffin Recipe post, I love to bake! I also love photography, crafts, writing, all things design and art...the list goes on. Sadly, I never seem to have enough time for all of these things...but hopefully this blog changes that! 

This is my incredible other half, my husband Mikie. He's always making me laugh, inspiring me, supporting me, encouraging me. He's my everything! (and this is our epic hero/heroine shot, taken by the lovely Jess!) We've been married ALMOST a year (time flies!!). I'm in my early/mid twenties, and have been writing/crafting/baking/doing some sort of art for as long as I can remember. 

My husband and I currently live on a farm, but we are looking to start our own little home. We have a pet lizard. She's an albino leopard spotted gecko, named Skwisgaar (because I thought she was a boy for 2 years). We really want to get a baby hedgehog, and if we do- you better believe you're going to be spammed by endless photos. 

It's always been my dream to do what I love, and maybe make a little bit of money to survive from it. I hope this is the start of that, but in the very least it will be me having a ton of fun with some of the best ladies I know. That's something, isn't it?? 

I think I said everything else in my other post, so I will stop myself from boring you with more silly details about my life. Thank you, whoever you are, for reading our posts and helping us to make our little dreams come true! 

*don't forget to check out our instagram! @sewsweetshop

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